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Research in object and pattern recognition, facial expression recognition, medical imaging including cancer biopsy analysis, and biomedical information systems.


50 yrs computer science with funded research in all kinds of object and pattern recognition including medical work in craniofacial analysis, medical image analysis, and multimedia retrieval.

Currently accepting new MS students and new PhD students only if they have their own funding.

Representative publications:

  • S. Nofallah, B. Li, M. Mokhtari W. Wu, S. Knezevich, C. J. May, O. H. Chang, J. G.
    Elmore, L. G. Shapiro, “Improving the Diagnosis of Skin Biopsies using Tissue Segmentation,”
    Diagnositics, Vol. 12, 2022.
  • F. Ghezloo, P. Wang, K. F. Kerr, T. T burnye, T. Drew, O. H. Chang, L. Reisch, L. G.
    Shapiro, J. G. Elmore, “An Analysis of Pathologists’ Viewing Processes as They Diagnose
    Whole Slide Digital Images,” Journal of Pathology Informatcs, 2022.
  •  S. Mehta, X. Lu, D. Weaver, J.G. Elmore, H. Hajishirzi, L. G. Shapiro, “HaTNet: An Endto-
    End Holistic Attention Network for Diagnosis of Breast Biopsy Images, Medical Image
    Analysis, 2022.
  • S. Nofallah, M. Mokhtari, W. Wu, S. Hehta S. Knezevich, C. J. May, O. H. Chang, A. C.
    Lee, J. G. Elmore, L. G. Shapiro, “Segmenting Skin Biopsy Images with Coarse and Sparse
    Annotations using U-Net,” Journal of Digital Imaging, 2021.
  • W. Wu, S. Mehta, S. Nofallah, S. Knezevich, C. J. May, O. H. Chang, J. G. Elmore, L.
    G. Shapiro, “Scale-Aware Transformers for Diagnosing Melanocytic Lesions,” IEEE Access,
  • S. Nofallah, S. Mehta, E. Mercan, S. Knezevitch, C. May, D.Weaver, D.Witten, J. G. Elmore,
    L. Shapiro, “Machine Learning Techniques for Mitoses Classification,” Computerized Medical
    Imaging and Graphics, Vol. 87, 2021.
  • W. Wu, B. Li, E. Mercan, S. Mehta, J. Bartlett, D. L. Weaver, J. G. Elmore, L. G. Shapiro,
    “MLCD: A Unified Software Package for Cancer Diagnosis,”, Journal of Clinical Oncology:
    Clinical Cancer informatics, March 2020.
  • E. Mercan, S. Mehta, J. Bartlett, L. G. Shapiro, D.L. Weaver, J. G. Elmore, “Machine
    Learning of Breast Pathology Structures for Automated Differentiation of Breast Cancer and
    High-Risk Proliferative Lesisions,” JAMA Network Open, August 2019.