Mind/body medicine, evaluation of scientific innovation, medical student stress management, performance-based teaching and evaluation (including TBL, PBL, flipped classrooms, objectively-structured clinical examinations and standardized patients), clinical skills development and assessment, medical school admissions, international medical education, and assessment of outcomes of National Science Foundation research centers.
As an emeritus faculty member he serves the National Science Foundation as an assessment coordinator and evaluator for numerous centers in the Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Program. He recently completed his 33 year of service on the UWSoM Admissions Committee.
Representative publications:
- Losh D, Ambrozy D, Cunningham M, Struijk J, Scott C, Adding value to OSCEs by providing real-time clinician feedback. Medical Educator. (2013).
- Scott CS, Nagasawa PR, Abernethy NF, Ramsey BW, Martin PJ, Hacker BM, Schwartz HD, Brock DM, Robins LS, Wolf FM, Disis ML. Expanding Assessments of Translational Research Programs: Supplementing Metrics with Value Judgments. Eval Health Prof.37(1) 2014, 83-97.
- Scott CS (Ed). Industry-Nominated Technological Breakthroughs of National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (6th edition) (2016). National Science Foundation, Industry-University Cooperative Research Program. Arlington, Virginia. (http://faculty.washington.edu/scottcs/NSF/2016/nsf2016.html)
- Bradley B, Booth-LaForce C, Scott C, Sherman K. Design of a Multi-Disciplinary Training Program in Complementary and Integrative Health Clinical Research: Building Research across Inter-Disciplinary Gaps (BRIDG). J Complement Med Alt Healthcare. 2019; 9(1).
- Scott CS, Vincenzi F, Smith D, Gorrin K, Trantham J. Mind-Body Skills Elective: A 7-year Follow-up of Health Professions Students. J Complement Med Alt Healthcare. 2019; 9(1): 555750. DOI: 10.19080/JCMAH.2019.09.555751.
- Scott CS. Primer on Team-Based Learning. In Ballweg R, Brown D, Vetrosky DT, Ritsema TS (editors): Physician Assistant: A Guide to ClinicalPractice, 7th edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier, Inc. 2020.