Applied informatics educational program development with a focus on leadership in health information technology and clinical informatics.
14 years clinical experience in diagnostic radiology, 8 years experience in clinical executive leadership, 18 years experience in clinical informatics teaching.
Current projects:
Applied informatics educational program development with a focus on leadership in health information technology and clinical informatics.
Representative publications:
Peer-reviewed Publications:
- “Integrating knowledge resources at the point of care: opportunities for librarians”., Fuller SS; Ketchell DS; Tarczy-Hornoch P; D. Masuda, Bull Med Libr Assoc 1999 Oct;87(4):393-403
- “Low-bandwidth, low-cost telemedicine consultations in rural family practice.”; Norris TE, Hart GL, Larson EH, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Masuda DL, Fuller SS, House PJ, Dyck SM.; J Am Board Fam Pract. 2002 Mar-Apr;15(2):123-7. J Am Board Fam Pract. 2002 Mar-Apr;15(2):123-7.
- “Development and Evaluation of Public Health Informatics at the University of Washington”; Karras B; O’Carrol P; Oberle M; Masuda D; Lober W; Robins L; Schaad D; Scott C; Journal of Public Health Management and Practice; Vol. 8, No.3; May 2002
- “Teaching Technology with Technology: Learning Management Systems and Anchored Modular Inquiry in Graduate Health Administration Education”; Journal of Health Administration Education; in preparation
Other Publications:
- “Evaluation Strategies and Findings from a Regional Integrated Telemedicine Testbed”; Fuller, S, Tarczy-Hornoch, P, Masuda, D, Cannava, T, Hard, G, Larson, E, Johnson, C, Dyck, S, Kramer, W, Norris, T. ” Telemedicine & Telecommunications: Options for the New Century, Proceedings, 93-94, 2001
- “Hospital Quality Outcomes: The results of a pilot study performed to define risk adjustment and Internet report specifications”, Meyer K; Posse C; Masuda D; AMIA 2001 Poster
- “Using a Large Group Interactive Audience Response System to Enhance Medical Student’s Understanding of Risk Information”; Wolf FM, Masuda D, Pinsky LP; May 3; Pacific Grove, CA.; 2006. OpenURL
- “Medical Informatics and Information Access.”, Fuller SS; Masuda D; Gorman P; Lindberg DA, Chapter 15, Textbook of Rural Medicine, Geyman J; Norris T; Hart G, Editors, McGraw-Hill, 2001
- “Telecommunications in Primary Care”; Masuda D.; Chapter 15; Primary Care Informatics, Norris T, Editor; 2002
- Medical Informatics for Physician Executives, ACPE, 2003
- “Careers in Clinical Computing and Medical Informatics”; Masuda D; Chapter 15; in Practical Guide to Clinical Computing Systems: Design, Operations, and Infrastructure; Elsevier; Thomas Payne, Editor; 2008
- “Project Management for Health Information Technology”; Coplan Sand Masuda D; McGraw-Hill; 2011