Consumer health informatics, patient-generated health data, and global health.
Regarding population growth and an increasing relative shortage of the health care workforce biomedical and health informatics has a responsibility and has been empowered through the latest IMIA code of ethics (http://imia-medinfo.org/wp/imia-code-of-ethics/) to take an active role towards population and individual health. Consumer Health Informatics as I understand it conceives, evaluates, and introduces end-to-end safe services for patient to take an active role in their preventive and medical care. Patient Generated Health Data science tries to create value from data that patients gather themselves in conjunction with clinical, environmental and other health related data. Global Health tries to improve health care in resource poor settings, including using low cost mobile technology for Consumer Health initiatives.
Other Roles:
- Associate editor of International Journal of Medical Infomatics
- Heidelberg University IPHIE (International Partnership in Health Informatics Education) liaison
- Chairperson of IMIA WG Consumer Health Informatics
Representative publications:
- Thomas Wetter: Consumer Health Informatics: New Services, Roles and Responsibilities; Cham (Springer) 2015 (eBook) resp 2016 (Hardcover); http://www.springer.com/de/book/9783319195896
- PubMed publication list at