Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
BIME Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
The Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education has had a Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee since 2015. The membership of the committee for 2022-23 is:
- Oliver Bear Don’t Walk (Postdoctoral Scholar)
- Moiya Callahan (Staff, Fiscal Specialist)
- Reggie Casanova-Perez (Graduate Student)
- Zoljargal (Zoey) Z. Lkhagvajav, (Graduate Student)
- Andrea Hartzler (Faculty, Co-Director, MS Program in Clinical Informatics and Patient Centered Technologies)
- Mike Leu (Faculty, Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program Director)
- Pamela Nagasawa (Faculty, Committee Co-Chair)
- Janice Sabin (Faculty, Committee Chair)
- Doug Schaad (Faculty, Division Head Medical Education and Evaluation)
- Peter Tarczy-Hornoch (Faculty, Department Chair)
Some key accomplishments of the committee have included:
- All search committee members received mandatory UWSOM CEDI training in best practices to increase diversity
- Added equity, diversity and inclusion faculty code to the BIME Appointments and Promotion document (which has served as model for other Departments in the Health Sciences):
- “In accord with the University’s expressed commitment to excellence and equity, contributions in scholarship and research, teaching, and service that address diversity and equal opportunity may be included among the professional and scholarly qualifications for appointment and promotion outlined below.” From the Faculty Code, Volume II, Part II, Chapter 24, Section 24-32.”
- UW diversity statement included in all materials: web site, training program descriptions, training program applications, job descriptions
- Request diversity statement of applicants: training programs (MS, PhD, Fellows), faculty hiring
- Mandatory UW sexual harassment training for all faculty/staff/trainees
- Microaggressions training for all BIME faculty
- Posted resources (SLU, HSB) for students, staff and faculty on assistance with sensitive issues, conflicts
- Ongoing disseminiation of diversity, equity, inclusion resources for students, staff and faculty
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Resources
- For comprehensive information on diversity at the University of Washington, please go to the Diversity at the UW page.
- UW Medicine Healthcare Equity
- Healthcare Equity and Anti-Racism Resources
- Here are some UW organizations promoting diversity:
- For a list of Student resources related to equity, diversity and inclusion see the BIME Student Focused Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Resources
- UW Medicine Bias Reporting Tool: https://depts.washington.edu/hcequity/bias-reporting-tool/
- Watch the video recording of the Health Sciences Community Gathering: A Space to Be Heard and Support our Black Colleagues that took place on June 3.*
- A series of trainings from the UW Office of Health Care Equity (OHCE) https://depts.washington.edu/hcequity/employee-resources/foundational-training/
- Office of Health Care Equity Search Committee Training: https://depts.washington.edu/hcequity/faculty-diversity-resources/search-committee-training/
- National Museum of African American History: Talking About Race
*Requires UW Net ID