Data Science Specialization
The Data Science Option is designed to meet a critical educational gap at the intersection of Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI) and Data Science. This option, as an elective part of our research MS and PhD programs, provides students an introduction to the world of data science, giving them the skills with a variety of techniques and tools. The goal of this option is to provide students the opportunity to acquire a strong foundation in data science, so they may apply those methods and techniques to current BHI research and to further their careers. This option is aligned with the campus-wide eSciences Institute graduate-level educational offerings. For a list of courses, please click here.
Regular Data Science Option:
To complete the regular data science option, students must pass
- At least one course from each of the following three areas: (1) Software development for data science, (2) Statistics and machine learning and (3) Data management and data visualization. Courses in each of these categories are listed here.
- Two quarters of the eScience Community Seminar (1cr each quarter).
Advanced Data Science Option:
For students with a strong computer science background, or for those who want a more intensive experience, we also allow for the Advanced Data Science Option. In alignment with the eSciences Institute, those requirements are:
- Three out of four of the following core courses:
- CSE 544 (4cr)– Principles of Data Management
- CSE 546 (4cr)/STAT 535 (3cr) – Machine Learning
- CSE 512 (4cr) – Data Visualization
- STAT 509 (4cr)– Econometrics I; Intro to Mathematical Statistics
or STAT 512 (4cr)-513 (4cr) (a more in-depth version of 509,4cr)
- Four quarters of the eScience Community Seminar.