Career trajectories in the medical profession, survey design and psychometrics, compassion, empathy, and cynicism in the professional development of physicians; interprofessional teams and learning outcomes, curriculum enhancement and associated performance, demographic variables associated with rural and underserved practice, and comparability of performance across training sites within the 5-state WWAMI program.
BS degrees in Zoology and Psychology; M.Ed in Counseling and Ph.D in Measurement and Evaluation all from the University of Washington. Hired as a graduate research assistant in the Office of Research in Medical Education in 1974. Continuously employed within the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education since that time. Currently, Professor and Division Head of Medical Education and Evaluation; Voting member multiple curriculum committees; Ex-officio member of the Student Progress Committee; Former member of the Council on University Relations and Member of the Faculty Senate.
Career trajectories in the medical profession; Health outcomes associated with new orthopaedic techniques and materials; Compassion, empathy and cynicism in the professional development of physicians; Interprofessional teams and learning outcomes; Curriculum enhancement and associated performance assessment.
Representative publications:
- Johnson KM, Simon N, Wicks M, Barr K, O’Connor K & Schaad DC. “Amount of Sleep, Daytime Sleepiness, Hazardous Driving and Quality of Life of Second Year Medical Students, Academic Psychiatry, 2017.
- Khwaja A, Schaad DC, & Arnold RW. “Service and its Association with Matching into a Primary Care Residency. Advances in Medical Education and Practice 2015:6 155-158.
- Erickson JS, Norris TE, Schaad DC. “Administering a Rural Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship Across 5 States” The Open Medical Education Journal, 6:1-11, 2013
- Egnew TE, Lewis PR, Schaad DC, Karuppiah S, Mitchell S. “Medical Student Perceptionis of Medical School Education about Suffering: A Multicenter Pilot Study “ Family Medicine, 46:1, 39-45, January 2014
- Norris TE, Schaad DC, DeWitt D, Ogur B, Hunt DD. Longitudinal integrated clerkships for medical students: An innovation adopted by Australia, Canada, South Africa, and the United States. Acad Med 2009;Jul 84(7):902-7.