Medical education and its evaluation.
30 yrs experience in support of medical education and its evaluation.
a) evaluation of curricular innovations, b) use of program evaluation to improve education
Representative publications:
- Carline JD, Curtis JR, Wenrich MD, Shannon SE, Ambrozy DM, Ramsey PG. Physicians’ interactions with health care teams and systems in the care of dying patients: Perspectives of dying patients, family members, and health care professionals. Journal of pain and symptom management, 25:19-28, 2003.
- Carline JD, Patterson DG. Assessing Health Profession Partnerships: Characteristics of professions schools, public school systems and community-based organizations in successful partnerships. Academic Medicine, 78(5): 467-482, 2003.
- Carline JD: Funding medical education research: Opportunities and issues. Academic Medicine 79(10): 918-924, 2004.
- Carline JD, O’Sullivan PS, Gruppen LD, Richardson-Nassif K. Crafting successful relationships with the IRB. Academic Medicine 82:10: S57-60, 2007.
- Shi-Hao Wen, Jing-Song Xu, Carline JD, Fei Zhong, Yi-Jun Zhong, Sheng-Juan Shen. Wei-Min Ren, Li Qu, Yue Wang, Guo-En Fang. Effects of teaching evaluation: a case study. International Journal of Medical Education http://www.ijme.net/archive/2/teaching-evaluation-effects/
- Amies AM, Dobie S, Smith S, Tamura GS, Carline JD. Where do medical students turn? The role of the assigned mentor in the fabric of support. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 23(3); 105-111, 2011.