Medical education and translating innovations into practice in ways that improve patient care and clinical outcomes.
Dr. Leu completed medical school at the University of Washington, pediatric residency at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, and was a Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar at Yale University.
As a physician, I’m most interested in solutions that will change the practice of medicine. My areas of expertise include app development, qualitative research, national surveys, quality improvement, evidence-based medicine, and evaluation. Most recently, our trainees have been learning about machine learning / artificial intelligence / predictive analytics.
I am available to mentor Master’s, Ph.D., and post-doc students, especially those that are pursuing clinically-oriented projects.
Current projects:
Dr. Leu is currently working on operational projects related to using EHR data to measure educational outcomes, and to see if the system can be improved to improve equity in healthcare practice and to improve provider efficiency/well-being.
Dr. Leu is interested in expanding clinical informatics educational initiatives to medical students and residents.
Representative publications:
Richards MK, Li CI, Foti JL, Leu MG, Wahbeh GT, Shaw D, Libby AK, Melzer L, Goldin AB. Health Care Utilization After Implementation of a Hospital-wide Standardized Feeding Tube Pathway. J Pediatr Surg (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2016.05.012.
Leu MG, Austin E, Foti JL, Hrachovec J, Popalisky J, Spencer SM, OHare P, Migita DS. A Framework for Evaluating Value of New Clinical Recommendations. Hospital Pediatrics. 6(10) 578-586. Published online: September 27, 2016 (doi: 10.1542/hpeds.2016-0009)
Rutman L, Atkins RC, Migita R, Foti J, Spencer S, Lion KC, Wright DR, Leu MG, Zhou C, Mangione-Smith R. Continuously Improving Pediatric Asthma: How Modification of an Established Pathway Led to Evidence-based, Efficient Care. Pediatrics published online: November 2, 2016 (doi: 10.1542/peds.2016-1248)
Hayward K, Haaland WL, Hrachovec J, Leu MG, Vora S, Clifton H, Rascoff N, Crowell CS. Reliable Pregnancy Testing prior to Intravenous Cyclophosphamide: A Quality Improvement Study. Pediatrics published online: November 16, 2016 (doi: 10.1542/peds.2016-0378)
Flynn JT, Kaelber DC, Baker-Smith CM, Blowey D, Carroll AE, Daniels SR, de Ferranti SD, Dionne JM, Falkner B, Flinn SK, Gidding SS, Goodwin C, Leu MG, Powers ME, Rea C, Samuels J, Simasek M, Thaker VV, Urbina EM. Clinical Practice Guideline for Screening and Management of High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics published online: August 21, 2017 (doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-1904).
Romero HM, Ringer C, Leu MG, Beardsley E, Kelly K, Fesinmeyer MD, Haaland WL, Johnson J, Migita DS. Neonatal Jaundice: Improved Quality Indicators and Cost Savings after Implementation of a Clinical Standard Work Pathway. Pediatrics. 2018 Feb 21. pii: e20161472. doi: 10.1542/peds.2016-1472.
Baker-Smith CM, Flinn SK, Flynn JT, Kaelber DC, Blowey D, Carroll AE, Daniels SR, de Ferranti SD, Dionne JM, Falkner B, Gidding SS, Goodwin C, Leu MG, Powers ME, Reae C, Samuels J, Simasek M, Thaker VV, Urbina EM, Subcommittee on Screening and Management of High Blood Pressure in Children. Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics. 2018 Sep;142(3) pii: e20182096.
Feld LG, Neuspiel DR, Foster BA, Leu MG, Garber MD, Austin K, Basu RK, Conway EE, Fehr JJ, Hawkins C, Kaplan RL, Rowe EV, Waseem M, Moritz ML, Subcommittee on Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy. Clinical Practice Guideline: Maintenance Intravenous Fluids in Children. Pediatrics. 2018 Nov 21. doi: 10.1542/peds.2018-3083.
Mueller BU, Neuspiel DR, Stucky Fisher ERS, COQIPS, COHC. Principles of Pediatric Patient Safety: Reducing Harm Due to Medical Care. Pediatrics. 2019: e20183649. Doi: 10.1542/peds.2018-3649. PMID: 30670581.
Leu MG, ed. Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines Development and Implementation Manual. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2018.
Liu X, Sutton PR, McKenna R, Sinanan MN, Fellner BJ, Leu MG, Ewell C. Evaluation of Secure Messaging Applications for a Health Care System: A Case Study. Appl Clin Inform 2019; 10(01): 140-150. DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1678607; PMID 30812040.
Shubin C, Rutman LE, Stanescu AL, Vora SB, Drugas GT, Leu MG, Burns RA. Impact of a standardized clinical pathway for suspected and confirmed ileocolic intussusception. Pediatr Qual Saf2020 May/June; 5(3) : e298. doi: 10.1097/pq9.0000000000000298. PMID: 32656466.
Yin HS, Neuspiel DR, Paul IM, COQIPS. Preventing Home Medication Administration Errors.Pediatrics. 2021 Dec 1;148(6):e2021054666. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-054666.PMID: 34851406.
Leu MG, Weinberg ST, Monsen C, Lehmann CU. Technical Report: Web Services and Cloud Computing in Pediatric Care. Pediatrics. 2021 June 28; e2021052048. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-052048. PMID: 34183361.
Weinberg ST, Monsen C, Lehmann CU, Leu MG, Council on Clinical Information Technology. Policy Statement. Integrating Web Services / Applications to Improve Pediatric Functionalities in Electronic Health Records. Pediatrics. 2021 June 28; e2021052047. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-052047. PMID: 34183360.
Stoffel M, Desai S, Laine M, Leu MG, Liao ZC, Jang J, Singh AP, Pozdeyev N, Sutton PR, Wright A, White AA. Lessons Learned from Creating Alert Governance During an Electronic Health Record Transition. ACI Open. 2022/1; 6(01) : e50-e56.
Leu MG, Ize-Ludlow D, Landman AB, Abbaszadegan H, Monsen C. IT Department Demand Governance in Healthcare: Reflections on a Case Series. ACI Open. 2022/1; 6(01) : e39-e43.
Grange ES, Neil EJ, Stoffel M, Singh AP, Tseng E, Resco-Summers K, Fellner BJ, Lynch JB, Matthias PC, Mauritz-Miller K, Sutton PR, Leu MG. Responding to COVID-19: The UW Medicine IT Services Experience. Appl Clin Inform. 2020 Mar;11(2):265-275. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1709715; PMID: 32268390. As of July, 2022 this was the most cited article in Applied Clinical Informatics for the year 2020 (with 134 citations).
Lees AF, Beni C, Lee A, Wedgeworth P, Dzara K, Joyner B, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Leu MG. Uses of Electronic Health Record Data to measure the Clinical Learning Environment of Graduate Medical Education Trainees: A Systematic Review. Academic Medicine. 2023 Nov 1;98(11):1326-1336.
Pozdeyev N, Dighe M, Barrio M, Raeburn C, Smith H, Fisher M, Chavan S, Raaels N, Shortt J, Lin M, Leu MG, Clark T, Marshall C, Haugen BR, Subramanian D, Regeneron, Crooks K, Gignoux C, Cohen T. Thyroid cancer polygenic risk score combined with deep learning analysis of ultrasound images improves the classification of thyroid nodules as benign or malignant. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2023 Sep 8: dgad530.
Hron JD, Lehmann CU, Long SW, Pageler NM, Kannry J, Levy B, Leu MG. Creation and Evaluation of a Clinical Informatics Match: Initial Findings. Appl Clin Inform. 2023 Oct; 14(5):973-80.
Stoffel M, Leu MG, Barry D, Deam N, Heissenbuttel A, Hrachovec J, Huq Saifee N, Migita DS, O’Hare MP, Villavicencio C, Delaney M. Improving Electronic Blood Ordering and Supporting Administration Workflows Significantly Reduces Blood Wastage. Transfusion. 2023 Dec;63(12):2328-2340.
Patel TN, Chaise AJ, Hanna JJ, Patel KP, Kochendorfer KM, Medford RJ, Mize DE, Melnick ER, Hron JD, Youens K, Pandita D, Leu MG, Ator GA, Yu F, Genes N, Baker CK, Bell DS, Pevnick JM, Conrad SA, Chandawarkar AR, Rogers KM, Kaelber DC, Singh IR, Levy BP, Finnell JT, Kannry J, Pageler NM, Mohan V, Lehmann CU. Structure and Funding of Clinical Informatics Fellowships: A National Survey of Program Directors. Appl Clin Inform. 2024 Jan; 15(1): 155-163.
Lehmann CU, Adams WG, Chaparro JD, Grout RW, Leu MG, Mendonca EA, Michel JJ, Okechukwu K, Salmon J, Sharifi M, Downs SM. Better Guidelines and Policies: Partnership for Policy Implementation. Pediatrics. 2024 Jun 12:e2023061360.