Knowledge discovery, integrated information systems design, human factors, and information retrieval and management.
She received her BA (Biology) and MLS (information Science) degrees from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA and her PhD (Information Science) from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles California, USA. Fuller served as the founding head of the Division of Biomedical and Health Informatics, School of Medicine, UW and has led several large-scale campus and regional research and development projects in the areas of biomedical and health informatics, telemedicine and information technology. One of the first web-based medical record systems in the world (Mindscape), which still in use at UW Medical Center and Harborview Medical Center, was a product of her IAIMS (Integrated Academic Information Management System) program leadership for the UW Academic Health Sciences Center. As Director, Health Sciences Libraries, University of Washington for over twenty years she led the development of state of art library and information systems with particular emphasis on linking library resources to clinical information systems in the UW Medical Centers and development of knowledge mining and mapping systems. As Co-Director, Center for Public Health Informatics Fuller has led the development of innovative computing and information systems projects to improve public health practice nationally and internationally with a particular focus on open source decision support tools and knowledge management systems and was a contributor to the development of EpiVue, an open source data visualization tool for public health.
Fuller has lectured, led training programs and consulted throughout the world on the development of interoperable health information systems for low resource environments and on the creation of education and research programs in biomedical and health informatics. Examples of international courses and workshops she has led in recent years include: Introduction to Public Health Informatics Principles in Health Information Systems Development Within the Vietnam Health System (Hanoi School of Public Health, Hanoi, Vietnam); Improving Health Outcomes through Interoperability (Ministry of Health leaders and university faculty from throughout the Mekong Basin region countries and beyond); Health Informatics for HIV/AIDS Data Management Fellowship Program (University of Nairobi, Kenya); Biomedical and Health Informatics Resources, Tools and Technologies (multiple courses over past ten years in collaboration with Cayetano-Heredia University, Lima, Peru). She currently leads a UW group that is part of a larger team to contribute to Strengthening HIV Strategic Health Management Information Systems in Tanzania with particular responsibility for supporting the development of the Enterprise Architecture and e-health strategy. See web page for further information including funded research.
Representative publications:
Peer Reviewed Articles:
- Fuller S: From Intervention Informatics to Prevention Informatics. [Invited] Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 2011 (in press).
- Fuller S: Tracking the Global Express: New Tools Addressing Disease Threats Across the World. [Invited] Epidemiology 2010;21(6):1-2.
- Corbell C, Katjitae I, Mengistu A, Kalemeera F, Sagwa E, Mairizi D, Lates J, Nwokike J, Fuller S, Stergachis S. A records linkage of electronic databases for the assessment of adverse effects of antiretroviral therapy in Namibia. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2011 (in press).
- Turner K, Fuller S. Patient-Held Maternal and/or Child Health Records: Meeting the Informational Needs of Patients and Healthcare Providers in Developing Countries: Online Journal of Public Health Informatics 2011 (in press).
- Curioso WH, Fuller S, Garcia PJ, Holmes KK, Kimball AM. Ten Years of International Collaboration in Biomedical Informatics and Beyond: The AMAUTA Program in Peru. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2010;17(4):477-480.
- Revere D, Turner A, Madhavan A, Rambo N, Bugni PF, Kimball AM, Fuller S. Understanding the information needs of public health practitioners: a literature review to inform design of an interactive digital knowledge management system. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2007;40(4):410-421 Special Issue on Public Health Informatics.
- Fuller S, Revere D, Bugni P, Martin G. A knowledgebase system to enhance scientific discovery: Telemakus: Biomedical Digital Libraries 2004;1:2-15.
- Chen HC, Fuller S, Friedman C, Hersh W (co-editors). Medical Informatics: Knowledge Management and Data Mining in Biomedicine. New York, Springer, 2005.
- Norris TE, Fuller S, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Goldberg H (co-editors). Informatics in Primary Care. New York, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
Book Chapters:
- Revere D, Bugni PF, Dahlstrom L, Fuller S myPublicHealth: Utilizing Knowledge Management to Improve Public Health Practice and Decision Making. In: Liebowitz J, Schieber RA, Andreadis JD. Knowledge Management in Public Health. CRC Press, 2010.
- Revere D, Fuller S. Characterizing biomedical concept relationships: Concept relationships as a pathway for knowledge creation and discovery. In: Chen HC, Fuller SS, Friedman C, Hersh W. Medical Informatics: Knowledge Management and Data Mining in Biomedicine. New York, Springer, 2005.
- Fuller S, Masuda D, Gorman PN, Lindberg DAB. Medical Informatics and Information Access. In: Geyman JP, Hart G, Norris T (eds). Textbook of Rural Health Care. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2001.