Biomedical and health informatics.
Representative publications:
- Demiris G, Zierler B. (2010) Integrating problem-based learning in a nursing informatics curriculum. Nurse Education Today; 30:175–179.
- Zierler B, Ross B, Liner D. (2010) The Macy Interprofessional Collaborative Project, The University of Washington. Journal of Allied Health; 39(3):e131-132.
- Lee JA, Zierler BK, Liu CF, Chapko M. (2011) Cost-effective diagnostic strategies in patients with a high, intermediate, or low clinical probability of pulmonary embolism. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery; 45(2) 113-121.
- Wolpin SE, Lee J, Glenny R, Wolf F, Zierler B. (2011) Evaluation of Online Training on the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery; 45(2):146-156.
- Jaff MR, McMurtry MS, Archer SL, Cushman M, Goldenberg N, Goldhaber SZ, Jenkins JS, Kline JA, Michaels AD, Thistlethwaite P, Vedantham S, White RJ, Zierler BK; American Heart Association Council on Cardiopulmonary, Critical Care, Perioperative and Resuscitation; American Heart Association Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease; American Heart Association Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. (2011) Management of massive and submassive pulmonary embolism, iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis, and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation; 123(16):1788-1830.
- Nguyen D, Nguyen H, Zierler BK. (2011) A Survey of Nursing Faculty Needs for Training in Use of New Technologies for Education and Practice. Journal of Nursing Education; 50(4):181-189.
- Abu-Rish, E. Kim, S., Choe, L., Varpio, L., Malik, E., White, A.A., Craddick, K., Blondon, K, Robins, L, Nagasawa, P, Thigpen, A, Chen, L.L., Rich, J., Zierler, B. (2012) Current trends in interprofessional education of health sciences students: A literature review. Journal of Interprofessional Care: Early Online: 1–8.
- Brock D, Abu-Rish E, Chiu CJ, Hammer D, Wilson S, Vorvick L, Blondon K, Schaad D, Liner D, Zierler B. (2013) Interprofessional education in team communication: Working together to improve patient safety. BMJQS; 0:1-10.