Equitable access to high-quality health information, clinical and translational information resources, collaborations that foster outcomes in population health research, mobile app development, disaster preparedness resource access, assessing information needs in medical education, GME and CME, and using games to improve evidence-based information-seeking behavior and incorporating it into clinical practice.
BA (Hons.) (Queen’s University), and Master of Library and Information Sciences (University of Western Ontario). Director of the University of Washington Health Sciences Library.
RRAIN. Disaster Preparedness for Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations within the Community Infrastructure.
TRAIL. The Translational Research and Information Lab is a collaboration between five partners, including the Health Sciences Library, BIME, ITHS, UW Medicine IT, and the NN/LM, PNR
RELM. In collaboration with the UW School of Medicine, we are developing an online game to teach WWAMI faculty how to practice evidence based medicine (EBM).
Representative publications:
- Bardyn, T, E. Glenn, et al. Enhancing library impact through technology. J Med Libr Assoc. 2015 Oct;103(4):222-31. DOI: 10.3163/1536-5050.103.4.015. PubMed PMID: 26512228; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4613389.
- Bardyn TP, Resnick T, Camina SK. “Translational Researchers’ Perceptions of Data Management Practices and Data Curation Needs: Findings from a Focus Group in an Academic Health Sciences Library.” Journal of Web Librarianship: Data Curation in Libraries, 6(4):274-87. DOI: 10.1080/19322909.2012.730375, 2012.
- Chatfield AJ, Ratajeski M, Wang J, Bardyn. T. “Communicating with Faculty, Staff, and Students Using Library Blogs: Results from a Survey of Academic Health Sciences Libraries.” Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 15(3): 149-168. DOI: 10.1080/10875301.2010.502452, Jul-Sep 2010.
- Bardyn T, Resnick T, Tedone D, Armstrong A. “Utilizing Undergraduate Student Focus Groups to Navigate Difficult Budget Times.” Library Leadership and Management, 24(3): 82-87, Summer 2010.
- Bardyn T, Su D. “The Information Center at the University of California Los Angeles: An Innovative Resource for Integrative and Traditional Chinese Medicine.” MLA News. June/July: 20, 2010. http://www.mlanet.org/members/mla_news/2010/junjul_10/eastwest.html